P-51 Mustang
P-51D ‘Stang Evil was manufactured in January of 1945 at the Dallas, Texas plant of North American Aviation and was accepted by the U.S. Army Air Force in July of 1945. This magnificent specimen is the youngest “D” model Mustang still flying today. The airplane proudly served in 11 different military assignments across the U.S., primarily with the Air National Guard, including 3 separate assignments to Buckley Air Force Base in Denver, Colorado in the 120th Fighter Squadron. The airplane was 1 of 12 Texas National Guard Mustangs used in the 1956 movie Battle Hymn and then was decommissioned from the Air Force in Sacramento, California where it was auctioned off in 1958 for a mere $1499 to Frank Tallman of the Tallmantz Museum in Los Angeles. Tallmantz featured the airplane in the 1960 movie Wake Me When It’s Over. During its tenure at Tallmantz, this Mustang was regularly flown by a number of aviation greats including Frank Tallman, Jim Appleby and Art Scholl.